Upstate SME Feedback RequestThe Upstate Chapter #164 hopes to exceed expectations for every event.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Are You An Upstate SME Chapter #164 Member?YesNoJoined SME, Don’t Know if Chapter MemberWould you like more information on SME Membership?Yes Please!Not At This TimeEmail Interest What Member? Value Add Of This Upstate SME Event Selected Value: 5 On a scale of 1-5 5- Outstanding to 1- Needs Improvement. Did this event meet expectations? What was your favorite experience or moment of the event?What could we improve?How likely would you be to attend our events in the future? Selected Value: 5 On a scale of 1-5, with 5 being very likely.Which SME Offerings Interest You?Plant ToursSmart Manufacturing WebinarsNetworking SocialsTooling-UWhat else would you like to see in the future?Thanks for your responses!Submit